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Syllabus of B.A. Geography under National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) at MJPRU, Bareilly, UP.

 Syllabus of B.A. Geography under National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) at MJPRU, Bareilly, UP.

[As per CBCS pattern recommended by UGC]
w.e.f. 2021-2022
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly

BA 1st Year, Sem. I ,
Course I Physical Geography

UNIT 1    Nature and Scope of Physical Geography, Origin of Universe, solar system and Earth. Geological Time Scale (with special reference to evidences from India), Interior of the Earth.

UNIT  II    Origin of Continents and Oceans, Isostacy, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Geosynclines, Concept of Plate Tectonics.

UNIT III    Rocks, Folding, Faulting, Weathering, Erosion, Cycle of Erosion by Davis and Penk, Drainage Pattern.
UNIT IV     Fluvial, Karst, Aeolian, Glacial, and Coastal Landforms 

UNIT V        Composition and Structure of atmosphere: Insolation, Atmospheric pressure and winds,

UNIT VI    Airmasses and Fronts, cyclones and anti-cyclones, Humidity, precipitation and rainfall types.

UNIT VII    Ocean Bottoms, composition of marine water-temperature and salinity. Circulation of Ocean water-Waves. Currents and Tides, Ocean deposits, Corals and atolls,

UNIT VIII    Biosphere, Biotic succession, Biome, Zoo-geographical regions of the world.

                            BA 1st Year, Sem. I,
Course II Elements of Map Reading and Interpretation
Practical Geography

UNIT I     Cartography – Nature and Scope. 

UNIT II    Scales – Concept and application; Graphical Construction of Plain, Comparative and  Diagonal Scales.

UNIT III    Map Projections – Classification, Properties and Uses; Graphical Construction of Polar Zenithal Stereographic, Bonne’s and Mercator’s Projections, and reference to Universe Transverse Mercator (UTM) Projection.

UNIT IV    Topographical Map – Interpretation of a Mountain area with the help of Cross and Longitudinal Profiles. Slope Analysis – Wentworth’s method.

BA 1st Year, Sem. II ,
Course I Human Geography

UNIT I    Concept and Nature , Meaning and Scope of Human Geography.

UNIT II    Man and Environment relationship - Determinism, Possibilism, and Neo-determinism, Bhartiya Sanskriti Evam Paryavaran Chetna

UNIT III  Distribution of population and world pattern, global migration - causes and    consequences, concept of over population and under population.

UNIT IV    Human Settlements: Origin, types (Rural-Urban) characteristics, House types and their distribution with special reference to India.

UNIT V    Primitive Economics-Food gathering, Hunting, Pastoral herding, Fishing, Lumbering    and Primitive agriculture

UNIT VI    Cultural Regions, cultural Diffusion, Race, Religion and Language.

UNIT VII     World Tribes: Eskimos, Kirghiz, Bushman, Masai, Semang, Pygmies.

UNIT VIII  Indian Tribes: Bhotias, Gaddis, Tharus, Bhil, Gond, Santhal, Nagas.

BA 1st Year, Sem. II ,
Course 2 Thematic, Weather and Geological Maps

UNIT I     Maps – Classification and Types; Principles of Map Design. Diagrammatic Data  Presentation – Line, Bar and Circle.

UNIT II    Thematic Mapping Techniques – Properties, Uses and Limitations; Areal Data Choropleth, Dot, Proportional Circles; Point Data – Isopleths. Cartographic Overlays –                Point, Line and Areal Data. Thematic Maps – Preparation and Interpretation.

UNIT III    Weather Maps, Study and Interpretation of Weather Map, Weather Forecasting.

UNIT IV    Geological Maps: Types, Signs, Bed and Bedding plane, Rock Outcrop, Dip, Strike etc. Construction of Geological Sections.

BA 2nd Year, Sem. III,
Course I Environment, Disaster Management and
Climate Change

UNIT I    Concepts & components of Environment, Ecology and ecosystem. Environmental education in Vedas, Indian traditional Knowledge in Environment and disaster Management.

UNIT II     Bio-diversity and its conservation, sustainable development.

UNIT III     Deforestation, soil erosion, soil exhaustion, Desertification, Air pollution, water                                 pollution Disposal of solid waste.

UNIT IV     Ganga Action Plan, Tiger project, Tehri dam & Narmada Valley project.

UNIT V        Science of Climate Change: Understanding Climate Change; Green House Gases and Global Warming.

UNIT VI    Global Climatic Assessment – IPCC, Impacts of Climate Change, National Action Plan on Climate Change.

UNIT VII    Disasters, Hazards, Risk, Vulnerability, Type of Disasters, Disaster Management,        Disaster Management Cycle.

UNIT VIII    Flood, Drought, Cyclone, Earthquake, Tsunami, Landslide, Chemical and Nuclear    Disasters. Do’s and Don’ts During Disasters.

BA 2nd Year, Sem. III,
Course II    Statistical Techniques

UNIT I    Use of Data in Geography: Significance of Statistical Methods in Geography; Sources of Data, Scales of  Measurement (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio)

UNIT II    Tabulation and Descriptive Statistics: Frequency Distribution Table, Cross Tabulation, Graphical Presentation of Data ( Bar diagram, Histograms, Frequency Curve and    Cumulative Frequency Curves), Measurement of Central Tendencies (Mean, Median and Mode), Measurement of Partitions (Deciles, Quartiles and Percentiles), Dispersion (Standard Deviation, Variance and Coefficient of Variation).

UNIT III    Sampling: Purposive, Random, Systematic and Stratified. Theoretical Distribution:    Concept of Probability Distribution (theory only), Normal Distribution (Its Characteristics and Application of Area Under Normal Curve)

UNIT IV    Correlation: Rank Correlation and Product Moment Correlation, Simple Regression and Mapping of Residuals from Regression

BA 2nd Year, Sem. IV,
Course I Economic Geography

UNIT I    Meaning, concepts and approaches of Economic Geography; agricultural region of the world (Derwent Whittlesey).

UNIT II    Resource: meaning, concept and classification. Spatial organization of economic activities

UNIT III    Economic organization of space Forestry, fishing and mining activities

UNIT IV     Agricultural typologies, agricultural land use model (J.H. Von Thunen) 

UNIT V       Types of industries; Factors of location of industries; iron and steel industry, cotton textiles and sugar; Theory of industrial location (Alfred Weber).

UNIT VI     World transportation: Sea routes and major trans-continental railways 

UNIT VII     WTO and International trade: Patterns and trends 

UNIT VIII     Effect of globalization on developing countries.

BA 2nd Year, Sem. IV,
Course II Practical: Surveying

UNIT I    Basics of Surveying: Surveying: meaning, classification, merits and demerits. 

UNIT II    Instrumental Survey: Survey with Chain Tape, Plane Table, Prismatic Compass, Sextant, Theodolite and Indian Clinometer.

BA 3rd Year, Sem. V,
Course I Regional Geography

UNIT I    Definition of Region, Evolution and objectives of regional planning. Planning practices in Ancient India.

UNIT II     Types of Regional planning, Formal, Functional, and Planning Regions. 

UNIT III     Delimitations of Region and Regional Planning. 

UNIT IV     Theories and Models for Regional Planning: Growth Pole Model of Perroux; Myrdal, Hirschman, Rostow and Friedmann.

UNIT V     Sustainable Development, Concept of Development and Underdevelopment.

UNIT VI     Efficiency-Equity Debate: Definition, Components and Sustainability for Development.

UNIT VII     Indicators (Economic, Social and Environmental). 

UNIT VIII    Need for regional planning in India, Five Year Plans and Regional Planning, multi level planning in India.

BA 3rd Year, Sem. V,
Course II Basics of Remote Sensing and GIS

UNIT I     Remote Sensing: Concept and scope; 

UNIT II     Types of Remote Sensing: Air borne and space borne; 

UNIT III     Aerial photos: types and characteristics; 

UNIT IV     Remote sensing satellites: platform and sensors. 

UNIT V    Remote Sensing data processing and applications: Visual and digital image processing techniques;

UNIT VI    Remote Sensing applications in resource mapping and environmental monitoring. 

UNIT VII    Electro-magnetic radiation: characteristics, spectral regions and bands; Interaction with earth surface features and atmosphere; Spectral signature.

UNIT VIII    Determination of photo scale, identification and interpretation of geomorphic features and land use/land cover map from stereogram and satellite Images.

BA 3rd Year, Sem. V,
Course III Tour and Tour report

UNIT I    How to preparer Field Book, steps and methods for preparing Tour report, Methodology for Research in Field Trip, Various aspects of study in Field Trip, Preparation of Surveing in Field Trip.

BA 3rd Year, Sem. V,
Course III Project Report-1

UNIT I    Meaning, types and significance of Research, Literature review and formulation of research design, research problem, objectives, hypothesis, Research materials and methods, Sampling etc. Techniques of writing scientific reports: Preparing notes, references, bibliography, abstract and keywords etc.

BA 3rd Year, Sem. VI,
Course I Geography of India

UNIT I    Physical I : Space relationship of India with neighbouring countries; Structure and relief; Drainage system and watersheds; Physiographic regions; Shrestha Bharat: Ek Vishisht Vichar

UNIT II    Physical II: Mechanism of Indian monsoons and rainfall patterns, Tropical cyclones, and western disturbances; Floods and droughts; Climatic regions; Natural vegetation; Soil types and their distributions.

UNIT III    Resources: Land, surface and groundwater, energy, minerals, biotic and marine resources; Forest and wildlife resources and their conservation; Energy crisis.

UNIT IV    Industry: Evolution of industries; Locational factors of industries; Industrial houses and complexes including public sector undertakings; Industrial regionalization; New industrial policies; Special Economic Zones; Tourism including eco-tourism.

UNIT V    Cultural Setting: Historical Perspective of Indian Society; Racial, linguistic and ethnic diversities; religious minorities; major tribes, tribal areas, and their problems; cultural regions;

UNIT VI    Population :Growth, distribution, and density of population; Demographic attributes: sex-ratio, age structure, literacy rate, work-force, dependency ratio, longevity; migration (inter-regional, intraregional and international) and associated problems; Population problems and policies; Health indicators.

UNIT VII    Agriculture: Infrastructure: irrigation, seeds, fertilizers, power; Institutional factors: landholdings, land tenure, and land reforms; Cropping pattern, agricultural productivity, agricultural intensity, crop combination, land capability; Agro and social-forestry; Green revolution and its socio-economic and ecological implications.

UNIT VIII    Settlements: Types, patterns, and morphology of rural settlements; Urban developments; Morphology of Indian cities; Functional classification of Indian cities; Conurbations and metropolitan regions; urban sprawl; Slums and associated problems; town planning; Problems of urbanization and remedies.

BA 3rd Year, Sem. VI,
Course II Evolution of Geographical Thought

UNIT I         Contribution of Indian Geographers in Ancient India.

UNIT II        Early Origins of Geographical Thinking, Concepts of distributions; relationships, interactions, area differentiation and spatial organization in Geography

UNIT III        Dualisms in geography; systematic & Regional geography, physical & human geography, Systematic and with regional geography. The myth and reality about dualisms.

UNIT IV        Paradigms in Geography, Thomas Kuhn theory about the growth and development of science. Application of Kuhn Model in Geography.

UNIT V         Contribution of Greek & Roman geographers in ancient world. 

UNIT VI        Contribution of Arab geographers in Middle ages, Renaissance period in Europe Renowned travelers and their geographical discoveries.

UNIT VII        German school of thought - Kant, Humboldt, Ritter, Richthofen, Ratzel, Hettner French school of thought - Contribution of Blache & Brunhes.

UNIT VIII         Soviet geographers, American school - Contribution of Sample, Hunthington & Carl Sauer. British school - Contribution of  Mackinder, Herbertson & L.D. Stamp.

BA 3rd Year, Sem. VI,
Course III Remote Sensing and GIS

UNIT I         Remote Sensing and GIS: Definition and Components, Development, Platforms and Types, 

UNIT II         Aerial Photography and Satellite Remote Sensing: Principles, Types and Geometry of Aerial Photograph; Principles of Remote Sensing, EMR Interaction with Atmosphere and Earth Surface; Satellites (Landsat and IRS) and Sensors

UNIT III       GIS Data Structures: Types (spatial and Non-spatial), Raster and Vector Data Structure 

UNIT IV        Image Processing (Digital and Manual) and Data Analysis: Preprocessing (Radiometric and Geometric Correction), Enhancement (Filtering); Classification (Supervised and Unsupervised), Geo-Referencing; Editing and Output; Overlay Interpretation and Application of Remote Sensing and GIS: Land use/ Land Cover, Urban Sprawl Analysis; Forests Monitoring

BA 3rd Year, Sem. VI,
Course III Project Report-2

UNIT I        Project report shall be on any topic of interest of students. It must include Remote                         sensing and GIS technology directly or indirectly. Like project can be based on                                 investigation of any issue using above technology or these technology must be used in                     data analysis or representation.


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